Thursday, March 12, 2009

University of Alabama

Secondary Mathematics Education

The secondary mathematics education (SEMA) program adheres to the vision and philosophy of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and the National Educational Technology Standards. As suggested by the NCTM, the SEMA program promotes an environment that recognizes the preservice and inservice teacher as part of a “learning community that continually fosters growth in knowledge, stature, and responsibility.” Hence, the SEMA program emphasizes 1) modeling of good mathematics teaching practices; 2) mathematics and school mathematics content knowledge; and 3) pedagogical content knowledge.

Students in the SEMA program are afforded the opportunity to participate in an inquiry-based learning environment where the emphasis is on reasoning, problem-solving, making connections, and communicating mathematical ideas. Learning environments in the SEMA program orchestrate classroom discourse in ways that promote the development and growth of mathematical content and pedagogical knowledge and ideologies. In such learning environments, students use and explore several mathematics technologies including Geometer’s Sketchpad, Algebra Xpresser, Zap-a Graph, Graphing Calculator 2.1 (NuCal), and the TI-92 graphing calculator. Students also investigate the role of equity in mathematics education and gain skills and knowledge for addressing the needs of diverse learners.

The secondary mathematics education program offers degrees at the undergraduate, Masters, Alternative Masters, Educational Specialist, and Doctoral levels. All degree programs have been approved by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, the Southern Association of Schools and Colleges, and the Alabama State Board of Education.

  • Secondary Mathematics Education Program Highlights:

  • Mentoring by Secondary education faculty

  • Collaboration with Mathematics Department faculty

  • Extensive use of mathematics technology

  • Numerous opportunities to use technology in middle and high schools

  • Strong collaboration with city and county school systems
  • Extensive dialogue with city and county middle and high school teachers and students
  • Extensive opportunities to explore the nature of culture and equity in mathematics classrooms

Undergraduate Program

The undergraduate program in secondary mathematics education provides certification for a comprehensive mathematics education degree. Students who successfully complete this program are eligible to apply for certification in comprehensive mathematics at the B certification level.

The undergraduate program includes a strong integration of content and pedagogical knowledge. Students complete 39 hours of mathematics courses, some of which are specifically designed for teaching secondary mathematics concepts.

Graduate Programs

Graduate degrees and certification are available for the Masters and Alternative Masters (A certification), Educational Specialist (AA certification), Ed.D. and Ph.D. degrees. Embedded in these programs is the examination of 1) current reform documents in mathematics education, 2) secondary mathematics curricula, and 3) research and theoretical issues in mathematics education. For all programs, the emphasis is on the improvement of the mathematics teaching and learning process. As such, extensive exploration of current mathematics technology, culture, and equity are key components in all programs.

To learn more about the Secondary Mathematics Education degree program, please contact the Department of Secondary Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning at (205) 348-6058.

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