Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Illinois State University

Mathematics Education
Students who complete the Mathematics Education sequence at Illinois State University earn Illinois secondary school teacher certification and move into classrooms of their own upon graduation. We typically graduate 45 to 55 new mathematics teachers each spring, consistently ranking near the top in the nation in the number of newly certified mathematics teachers. In Illinois, it is estimated that more than 1 of 10 teachers currently teaching mathematics claim ISU as their undergraduate institution.
The dedicated group of faculty members in secondary mathematics education teach courses in the program, advise students, observe clinical experiences in local schools, and supervise students' capstone experience, 12 weeks of student teaching.
This website is intended to provide current, former, and prospective students with information about and resources for becoming a mathematics teacher. High school teachers and counselors, university mathematicians and mathematics educators, parents, and others may also find useful information within this website.
General Information - What will my mathematics education major be like?
You will be challenged, you will be tested, you will be supported, and you will be rewarded. These and other words only begin to describe what you will experience in our department as a mathematics major seeking certification to teach high school mathematics.
  • You will be challenged to extend your knowledge and experience in mathematics through courses taken by students completing other sequences within the department's major as well as through courses in education. You will become a mathematician, and you will become a teacher.
  • You will be tested as you strive to meet the standards of excellence established for those becoming mathematics teachers.

  • You will be supported by your professors, your advisor, your fellow students, and others who play a role in the success of the program.

  • You will be rewarded, not only through a great sense of accomplishment in earning your undergraduate degree and teacher certification, but also through the many career opportunities that await newly certified mathematics teachers.

  • This page provides extensive information about the requirements and opportunities your face as a student pursuing teacher certification within the mathematics major.

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