Friday, March 20, 2009

Washington State University

Two-Year Scholarship Available for Math Education Majors. Will you be a junior or senior in Math Education in the fall of 2009? Would you consider getting a Minor in Engineering? You could receive a $20,000 Two-Year Scholarship to become a math teacher with an engineering background.

Professional Development and Leadership in Mathematics Education at WSU
The Department of Mathematics at WSU has an extensive commitment to mathematics education at all levels, from the preparation of future elementary teachers to that of post-secondary teachers in community colleges, four-year colleges, and research universities. For example, the department teaches over 1200 semester credit hours per year to elementary education majors, and nearly half of the department's mathematics majors choose the secondary teaching option. The department has also recently introduced a master’s degree program in mathematics education, principally aimed to prepare students to teach at the community college level. The department faculty members involved in meeting this commitment to mathematics education are nationally recognized, serving as invited speakers at regional and national conferences, publishing scholarly work in professional journals, and attracting funding from state and national agencies.

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